Did you find a Taggi code?

1. Download Taggi app and register:

you will find here below the links that will take you directly to your app store, follow the steps to create an account (Taggi is a free and secure app)

2. Enter the code or scan the Taggi QR:

you will find on the app two buttons to enter the code manually or scan the QR

3. Contact the owner

Once the code is validated, you will be able to write to the owner through an anonymous chat to arrange with him

If you have doubts about how Taggi works, check our website.

Thanks for helping others, someday Taggi will be able to help you too.

play store
app store

Type the code and a message in order to help the owner to recover his object

Don't forget to add all necessary instructions so that the owner can recover his object If you have any doubt, feel free to read our FAQ